Cavenham village has public footpaths and bridleways, open access land at Cavenham Heath click here for a walking route around the Heath.
Cavenham village currently has two Roadside Nature Reserves.
Click here for a map of Public Footpaths, Bridleways and Byways
Like many public rights of way, Cavenham footpaths travel to neighbouring Jack’s Gap, Lark Hall and Lackford.
Whether you’re walking, driving or cycling you will come across the abundant nature, landscapes and wildlife on our doorstep.
A selection of Walking, Cycling and Running routes can be found here (when you click through, scroll down the page to see the routes)
Are you fed up with doing the same old walks? Walking in Suffolk https://walkinginengland.co.uk/suffolk/ is the website for you!
With hundreds of walks to download and print, free, it also has books of walks, contact details for all the walking groups in the county and much more. Whether you want to walk on your own or with a group all the information is there in one place.
John said ‘There is so much walking information on the web but it is difficult to find. Walking in Suffolk (part of the Walking in England suite of websites (www.walkinginengland.co.uk) – one for each county in England) has brought it together in one place so whether you are walking from home, or away on holiday, you will be able to find a walk suitable for you’.
With walks from half a mile to twelve miles plus long, and a note of suitability for pushchairs and wheelchairs, everyone can find a walk to enjoy.
So home or away, check out the websites and get walking! for further information email John Harris: john@walkinginengland.co.uk
West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village & Country Park
One of England’s great archaeological sites, West Stow has extensive indoor galleries and a stunning recreation of an Anglo-Saxon village surrounded by 125 acres of unspoilt countryside.
Surrounding the Anglo Saxon Village is 125 acres of unspoilt countryside, trails, heath and woodland walks.

Cavenham is also close to some wonderful walks in Kings Forest at West Stow.
Lackford Lakes is just 3 miles from Cavenham, run by Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Lakeford Lakes is a wildlife oasis with a landscape of lakes, reeds, meadow and woodland. There is wildlife in close-up all year round with iridescent kingfisher, dazzling dragonflies and colourful ducks.
Old Broom Nature Reserve
Also managed by Wildlife Suffolk Trust and just 5 miles from Cavenham near Flempton is the Old Broom Nature Reserve. The remarkable ancient oak pollards of Old Broom are between 250 and 500 years old and a remnant of an open wood-pasture landscape, perhaps more akin to savannah than woodland and certainly anything familiar in Suffolk today.
Norah Hanbury-Kelk Meadows Nature Reserve
Lying next to the River Lark this pretty network of flower-rich wet meadows and dykes is a small wildlife oasis

A Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is a conservation designation denoting a protected area in the United Kingdom. SSI’s are protected by law to conserve their wildlife and geology. Cavenham parish has a number of areas designated as SSSI. These include:
Black Ditches This is species-rich grassland, a scarce habitat in East Anglia, on a stretch of an early Anglo-Saxon boundary earthwork. There are a number of locally and nationally rare plants. Calcareous scrub and deciduous woodland provide additional ecological interest. Map
National Trust Ickworth House, Park and Gardens
The Ickworth estate in Suffolk is managed by the National Trust and encompasses 1800 acres of parkland and the beautiful Ickworth House. Ickworth House is an Italianate Palace in the heart of an ancient deer park. Formal gardens, pleasure grounds, rolling landscape and woodlands invite gentle strolls or long walks, runs, bike rides and picnics.