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Local Facebook Group

There is a local community Facebook group that is used for local interactions across the parish. You can request to join here.

Mobile Library
The Mobile Library service calls outside Phone Box and the Farm entrance nearest the Church weekly on a Sunday.
It is library route 15.

Currently, the timings are Phone Box 1540-1600 and Farm 1605-1625.

Public Bus
There is a public bus during school term-time to Bury St Edmunds and Mildenhall at the beginning and end of the school day.

There is a timetable in the sheltered bus stop. More up to date information on times that the buses run can be found here 

Suffolk Links – Brecks
Suffolk Links Brecks is a demand-responsive transport service serving the areas of Mildenhall, Brandon and Thetford.

This service provides affordable and accessible solutions to those who otherwise find it difficult to use public transport. Connecting Communities includes a range of services, such as Dial A Ride, Community Car Service, Wheels within Wheels. For more information call 01638 664304

Cavenham Poors Trust

Registered Charity no. 212839
The charity helps those retired and those in need, it is devoted solely to Cavenham.
The trustees welcome information. Please advise one or more of them if you become aware of anyone who may have exceptional needs arising from, for example, illness, bereavement or from other circumstances.

The Trustees ( as of January 2023) are Frank Cox, Sarah Brownie, Vanessa Selwyn, Pim Dickson, Liz Goodman

The trust, from historical usage, owns 76 acres of wildland which is a part of the Cavenham Heath National Nature Reserve (SSSI). The land is leased to Natural England which manages it as a publicly accessible nature reserve.
Further information concerning the history, the flora and fauna, and Natural England’s Management Policy document for the heath can be viewed on request, please contact Frank Cox to arrange this.